What’s the difference between Mortgage Protection Insurance and Income protection?
Surprisingly, mortgage protection insurance and income protection insurance are very similar. The purpose of both mortgage protection and income protection is to protect your income, and therefore your ability to continue meeting your financial obligations. Both types of cover provide a monthly benefit to replace your…
Do you need Mortgage Protection insurance?
Often when it comes to insurance, many people overlook the importance of protecting their hard-earnt lifestyle. Would you be able to keep the roof over your family’s head if you couldn’t continue working due to illness or injury? Perhaps you would like to consider Mortgage…
What is the cost of Mortgage Protection Insurance?
Mortgage Protection is one of the more complex types of cover in the marketplace as there are many optional extras and variables that can affect your premiums such as; payment periods and benefit wait periods and even the option to have your benefit increase with…
What is Mortgage Protection insurance?
Mortgage Protection Insurance is essentially, a form of income protection. The purpose of mortgage protection is to protect your income, and therefore your ability to continue repaying your mortgage. However, as these benefits have evolved over time, you can now have a mortgage protection policy…